Friday, November 7, 2014

How to Change the status of the Production Order to Estimated Status in AX 2012 using X++ ?

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are having a great week and you are eagerly waiting for the weekend.

Today, I am going to be talking on how we can change the status of the the production order to "Estimated" status in AX 2012 using X++.

The basic steps are to:
1. Declare the variables
2. Find the production order.
3. Initialize the associated classes - ProdMultiCostEstimation  &  RunBaseMultiParm
4. Pass the production table and default parameters
5. Run the class.

Here is the code:

public static void estimateProductionOrder(Args args)
    ProdTable               prodTable;
    ProdMultiCostEstimation ProdMultiCostEstimation;

    prodTable   = ProdTable::find('P000012');

    //init ProdStartup
    ProdMultiCostEstimation = ProdMultiCostEstimation::construct(new args());

    //init default parameter

    //parm ProdTable, you can do this muliple times in case you want to update
    //more than one production at a time

    ProdMultiCostEstimation.insert(prodTable, ProdMultiCostEstimation.defaultParmBuffer());

    //Do update;


Here is the a snapshot of the production order status:


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